Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tis' the season!

Oh these kids, if they were any cuter... well, that's just not possible.

Ellis is a rolling machine. She's still not crawling at 9 months, but why would she? She just rolls and rolls until she gets where she wants to go. It's hilarious, I've never seen a baby roll as much as she does. All she wants are Liam's toys, and he's such a sweet big brother, he actually shares pretty much everything with her except his gears "no, don't like the gears for Ellis". She loves when I sing to her and gets the biggest kick out of her big bro.

I took them to see Santa the other day, and while I didn't get any smiles they both sat on Santa's lap without crying. Ellis was on the verge of tears, and Liam was surprisingly willing to sit on Santa's knee. He seemed a bit confused by the whole thing, but he keeps talking about seeing Santa again. Christmas this year is so awesome, Liam is so into the tree and going to see lights, and his "edevent calender" which he asks for all day long.

We had a holiday party a few weeks ago and Liam was such a good boy about sharing his toys. I'm so proud of what a nice boy he is. There were tons of kids here and he didn't complain once about them playing with his things. He was laughing and having a fabulous time. I guess he loves to entertain like his Mom! Watching him play with his sis and other kids just warms my heart. He loves to play with his friends Zach and Jaymin that live here in the complex, the three of them run around like a pack of wild dogs, all laughing and yelling together. When he hears kids outside he immediately wants to go out and say hi.

Tante Moni is coming in a few days, can't wait to see what Liam thinks of all his presents from Santa!

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