Sunday, October 4, 2009


Okay, so it's been a while, but we're busy busy busy as usual.

Liam had a great visit with his family in Canada, and enjoyed our road trip down the Oregon coast (for the most part). He was just great in the car, despite what many a horrified friend had to say about it. What can I say, my kid is an angel. He got to see his Uncle Steve and Aunt Emily get married, and was baptised at Oma and Opa's church in Kelowna. He was spoiled rotten as usual (seriously, this kid has so many cars already! And loves them all of course) and had a great time at the beach.

Oregon was a blast, he loved running up and down the long beaches and would just laugh and squeal with delight. It is just beautiful there and we plan on going back someday soon.

Hmmm, what else is new? New words or signs are added to Liam's repertoire every few days, and it seems to be speeding up. His current favourites are: 'no', 'don't', 'up', 'down', 'fish', 'bird', 'owl', 'uh-oh', 'go', 'dada', 'mama', 'dong dong', 'bum', 'ball', 'book', 'hi', 'wawa' for waffle, 'wowo' for walrus, and our personal favourite is 'gogen gogen' for moon.

He also makes a lot of sounds like 'brum brum' for car, 'baa' for sheep, and 'woowoo' for dog.

He said 'Opa' the other day, although now it's just 'pa', and tries to say 'Echo', the name of one of his little friends.

What a smart boy!

He is a pro at his shape sorter, and claps for himself (and of course expects you to as well) when he completes it. He likes his magnadoodle for scribbling, and loves to throw balls at the cat.

One of the cutest things he does lately is try to feed his stuffed animals, adorable!