Monday, February 23, 2009

More Milestones!!

Our laptop is broken, so the above picture was taken when he was just a few days old (and all I have on our tower).

So! Little Liam has been busy as per usual. This past week's feats include:

-pulling himself to standing in his crib! This is great because it requires him to get up on his knees which he was unwilling to do before. He was able to pull himself up if could reach something from a sitting position, but it was hard work for his little arms.
-standing for about 10 seconds on his own.
-starting to cruise furniture, as long as there is something enticing him. Apparently he has much love for the remote control.
-searching out particular books and "reading" them on his own. This kid LOVES books. I think he would sit all day and let you read to him as he flips the pages.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Liam's First Sign!!!!!

We are so excited, Liam has officially started doing his first sign, it's "more"!!!! He has been doing "milk" for a while now, but he does it sporadically when he wants something so it was all over the place. But when he does "more" there is no doubt, he wants more food. I am so proud of him, he's really communicating with us! He seemed pretty pleased with himself too.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Liam and the Valentine Thief

Liam's Tante Moni wrote this awesome and brilliant poem for him and posted it in comments. I keep re-reading it because it's so fantastic and thought it deserved it's own post. Thanks Tante Moni for once again spoiling the little man!

Liam and the Valentine Thief

Liam ate breakfast with a grumble,
a glare.
His mama made oatmeal.
Liam said, “It’s not fair!”

“I do not like oatmeal.
It’s lumpy, it’s goo!”
Mama just smiled,
“But oatmeal is good for you.”

Liam took one more bite,
then tied up his sneakers.
He ran, dashing outdoors,
yelling, “Jeepers, creepers!”

“Why must I eat oatmeal?
Why must I eat peas?”
Liam huffed and he mumbled,
till he came to the trees.

He stopped in his footsteps.
His eyes big and wide.
There were hearts hanging everywhere.
Should he run and hide?

Hearts big. Hearts small.
Some red and some pink.
Hearts hanging from branches,
Liam didn’t know what to think.

Then he heard a small chuckle.
A “Ha” and a “Hee.”
Liam spun round in circles,
to see what he might see.

And there near the rose bush,
dressed all in red,
smiling and grinning,
stood a Gnome on his head.

The Gnome laughed even louder.
Liam said, “Oh no” and “Good grief.”
For there before him stood the famous,
the legendary, the Valentine Thief!

The Stealer of Hearts,
slowly stood up…1…2…3
“Hello little Liam,
will you give your heart to me?’

Liam shook his head,
determined not to cry,
and remembering his manners,
politely asked “Why?”

The Thief was astounded.
The Thief was impressed.
For little boy Liam,
was not like the rest.

The Valentine Thief,
feeling sad and blue,
whispered “Because nobody loves me.
What else can I do”?

Liam thought for a moment.
He thought a whole bunch.
Then in an instant he decided,
to take the Gnome home for lunch.

Liam would be a friend to the Gnome.
His heart had plenty of love to spare.
And the love that he had,
Liam was willing to share.

He loved mama and daddy,
and Oma and Opa too,
and Gramma and Grandpa,
loving was easy to do!

So Liam and the Gnome,
skipped back to Liam’s house for a munch.
Where mama had broccoli
and Cheerios ready for lunch.

Mama kissed Liam’s cheek,
And hugged Liam’s new friend.
They all knew it would be fine,
The stealing of hearts would now end.

The Valentine Thief,
had disappeared from sight,
The Gnome had a new friend,
Now everything felt right.

Liam and Gnome knew that,
to be a good friend all it takes,
is love, hugs, and kisses,
and sharing coconut sprinkled lemon cupcakes!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The cutest boy in the world

Seriously, just look at this face! This is taken just after a disastrous attempt at feeding Liam some lentils and carrots.

On an exciting note: Liam's first word is: MAMA!! Sometimes is mamama, but lately it's usually just mama. He's been doing the mamama for a while directed at me, but in the past few weeks it has been shortened. He only says it when he really wants my attention, which is he usually has all the time anyways so I don't get to hear it too often. He does say Dada as well, but this also includes the cat and anything fun and exciting (can you tell Daddy time is a blast??).

He is doing fantastic, everyone always comments on how happy he is. Always smiling and laughing. He loves to eat, as long as he can pick it up himself. He is so over purees. Except for Mama's homemade apple cinnamon oatmeal that is.

He is also an avid reader, he loves to turn the pages of his board books, of which he has a library's worth (thank you Tante Moni!). His army crawl has gotten extremely efficient and he pretty much hauls ass after the cat, who is very patient with him. Once he learns not to smack her or pull her fur I'm sure they'll be the best of friends.