Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Liam's First "Real" Word!

I have lot's of updates but no time, this kid is running me ragged (and I love it).

But, other than Mama and Dada, Liam has announced to the world his first word. Ball! It's so cute, I ask him all day 'what is this Liam' just to hear it. The 'L' isn't very pronounced, but you can understand him loud and clear.

We're headed to NYC on Friday, so don't expect any updates for a while!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oma, Opa, Tante Moni, and Caitlin Visit, Easter, Happy Birthday, and NYC... phew!

Life with Liam is so busy I never have time to update his blog! Let me try and recap the past couple months, but before I do, let me tell you that Liam has started taking his first steps!! It's so exciting, and he's so proud of himself when he does it. It's only a matter of time before our little man is literally running circles around us. :)

At the beginning of April Liam's Oma, Opa, Tante Moni, and Caitlin came for a visit to celebrate Easter and his 1st birthday with him! He enjoyed having a full house of adoring fans, and was sure to give everyone plenty of smiles and laughs in return for all the love and gifts he received.

Liam's first Easter was a blast, we had a little Easter egg hunt indoors for him which he loved. His Tante Moni wrote yet another amazing poem/story for him, which I will put in a separate post. That is one talented sister I have!

Then came Liam's birthday. We filled the living room with balloons and gifts, and he had such a look of wonder of his face as we led him down the hall. Then he got his first taste of cake (a somewhat healthy carrot cake) which he enjoyed shoving in his mouth and generally making a mess with.

A few days later we had his big birthday bash in our clubhouse. All his little friends showed up, and he had a great time playing and being the center of attention.

Liam loved having his Oma, Opa, Tante Moni, and Caitlin around for the festivities. We also went to the Zoo, did some sightseeing, and shopping of course!

We then only had a few weeks to relax and then it was off to New York City! A first for Mama, Daddy, and Liam. Other than someone stealing our laptop (with all our pictures from the past couple months!) and camera, we had an amazing trip. Liam is an excellent little traveler, and logged countless hours and miles in the stroller and carrier. He seemed to love taking in the sights just as much as we did! He loved all the cupcakes we sampled, but turned up his nose at the New York cheesecakes.

And now we are back at home, getting back into our routine of playdates, walks, and fun!