Thursday, November 20, 2008

Liam VS The Bear - 7 Months

You'll be happy to know there were no issues this month between Liam and the Bear.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Busy Little Boy

It's been a few weeks since I've updated Liam's blog, it's so hard to find the time with this busy little guy! He's still babbling up a storm, and I'm pretty sure he's starting to associate words with objects. If I say "where's the kitty" he will look around for Luna and he gets all excited when he sees her. So cute!

I think he's also starting to sign 'milk' at me, which is really cool. He just sort of wiggles his fingers around but I get the idea. We're taking a weekly signing class with him and it's amazing how many sign Mike and I already know.

Solids are going great, he nearly polished off a jar of pears at dinner on Friday night and then nursed on top of that . Hmmm, I swear he has hollow legs. He also loves sweet potatoes and oatmeal, bananas are hit and miss, and rice cereal is out. I love preparing his little meals for him and helping him drink water out of his big boy cup.

Stay tuned for the 7 month bear picture!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween from the Little Monster

Liam enjoyed his first Halloween this past Friday. He went as a little monster, isn't he the cutest?! Seriously, if my kid was any cuter... well, I don't think that's possible.

Anyways, the day started off with a trip into the city to drop Megan off at a job interview. Then Liam, Tante Moni, and I made our way to Mike's work for his work's annual Halloween party. I think my little monster was a bit overwhelmed with all the people, music, and decorations, but he seemed to have a good time, especially playing with the balloons.

Afterwards we took our tired little monster home, lit up his jack o' lantern that his Daddy carved for him, and then it was off to bed.